Bake on Saturday, Recipes


Sometime in the not too distant past I discovered that Bon Appetit magazine also has a YouTube channel filled with all sorts of cooking videos. I became hooked. Yes, there instructional videos are full of tips and tricks to improve your cooking and baking techniques, but what I really like are the more comedic series,… Continue reading Focaccia

Bake on Saturday, Dessert, Recipes

Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies

So, I came back to Massachusetts two weeks ago. Maybe I shouldn't be posting that might violate some of the "stay at home orders." But it raises the whole question of "what/where is home?" and that, folks, I think is a blog post for another day. Instead, what I want to talk about is… Continue reading Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies

Bake on Saturday, Dessert, Recipes

Lemon Drizzle Cake

My mom's request for her birthday every year is certainly an unconventional one, and not one that I'd probably make at any other time: she likes lemon cake. I have nothing against lemon cake, but it has always seemed to me that birthdays are a time for indulging in something scrumptious and truly decadent, like… Continue reading Lemon Drizzle Cake

Bake on Saturday, Dessert, Recipes

Bake on Saturday: Kanelbolle/Scandinavian Cinnamon Rolls

Hello, Reader. I'm back. For now. I'm also in Covid-19 self-quarantine, after returning from a family trip to Norway last week. I'm hunkered down at my parents house in New Jersey because it didn't seem to make sense to return to my house and housemates in Boston (why yes, I live in Boston now) when… Continue reading Bake on Saturday: Kanelbolle/Scandinavian Cinnamon Rolls

Bake on Saturday, Lunch & Dinner, Recipes

Whole-Wheat Sunflower Seed Rolls

When I was younger, I wanted nothing more than to have Wonder bread (or at least paper-white, sweet, practically crust-less bread) on which to make my PB&J sandwiches. Sorry, Dad. Now that I am older (and wiser?) I appreciate all the Sundays my dad spent making bread for the week. His bread, unlike the light… Continue reading Whole-Wheat Sunflower Seed Rolls